‘Waltz’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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E Gabler & Bro, New York, Pianos
E Gabler & Bro, New York, Pianos
Crocodile and naked woman dancing on ice
Crocodile and naked woman dancing on ice
Small man waltzing with a large woman
Small man waltzing with a large woman
Big Ben Waltz by Ph R Meny
Big Ben Waltz by Ph R Meny
There was an Old Person of Skye, who waltz'd with a Bluebottle Fly
There was an Old Person of Skye, who waltz'd with a Bluebottle Fly
The popular dance of the day was a two-step waltz known as the Lander
The popular dance of the day was a two-step waltz known as the Lander
Mandalay Waltz
Mandalay Waltz