‘Visitors’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Henley Regatta, the Finals
Henley Regatta, the Finals
French section of The Great Exhibition of 1851
French section of The Great Exhibition of 1851
Man and woman on a visit to a managerie
Man and woman on a visit to a managerie
L'Esposizione internazionale di Milano, l'esterno del salone dei festeggiamenti, al Parco
L'Esposizione internazionale di Milano, l'esterno del salone dei festeggiamenti, al Parco
The Poor Blind at the East End
The Poor Blind at the East End
Unwelcome Visitors, Crows at a Tennis Party in India
Unwelcome Visitors, Crows at a Tennis Party in India
The Czar's Visit to Paris, the Gala Performance at the Comedie Francaise
The Czar's Visit to Paris, the Gala Performance at the Comedie Francaise
Scene at a zoo
Scene at a zoo