‘Verdict’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Colliery Accident in South Wales
The Colliery Accident in South Wales
Vonnis van Apol over de bubbels (Apollo's verdict on the stock-jobbers), from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid
Vonnis van Apol over de bubbels (Apollo's verdict on the stock-jobbers), from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid
The libel trial of Emile Zola
The libel trial of Emile Zola
Waiting for the Verdict! Or, The Most Shameful Sight in the World.
Waiting for the Verdict! Or, The Most Shameful Sight in the World.
The Verdict of the People
The Verdict of the People
After the Verdict of the Zola Trial, the Scene at the Palais de Justice
After the Verdict of the Zola Trial, the Scene at the Palais de Justice
Lucius Junius Brutus pronounces the sentence against his sons
Lucius Junius Brutus pronounces the sentence against his sons
Sketches from the Cattle Show
Sketches from the Cattle Show