‘University of Leyden’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Library of the University of Leyden, in which all the Books were chained, even in the Seventeenth Century
Library of the University of Leyden, in which all the Books were chained, even in the Seventeenth Century
At 14 and returned home with the manuscript of his first book
At 14 and returned home with the manuscript of his first book
Hugo Grotius entered the University of Leyden at the age of 11
Hugo Grotius entered the University of Leyden at the age of 11
The University of Leyden
The University of Leyden
The Senate Chamber, University of Leyden
The Senate Chamber, University of Leyden
Medal from the Netherlands Commemorating the Tricentennial of the University of Leyden
Medal from the Netherlands Commemorating the Tricentennial of the University of Leyden
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