‘Ugly Sisters’ historical pictures (exact matches)

Active selection in cart:
Cinderella, Crystal Palace Grand Christmas Pantomime, 1875
Cinderella, Crystal Palace Grand Christmas Pantomime, 1875
A Pantomime rehearsal on the Western Front, reminiscent of "The Lane" on boxing night …
A Pantomime rehearsal on the Western Front, reminiscent of "The Lane" on boxing night …
Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters
Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters
Christmas Entertainments
Christmas Entertainments
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Cinderella and Prince Charming
The Wonderful World of Pantomime
The Wonderful World of Pantomime
The story of Cinderella
The story of Cinderella
The story of Cinderella
The story of Cinderella