‘Types’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Pigeons: Blondinettes, Blue, Laced, Black Spangled, Arrow Pointed, Brown Tipped
Pigeons: Blondinettes, Blue, Laced, Black Spangled, Arrow Pointed, Brown Tipped
The main races of humans
The main races of humans
The British Character, Love of Dumb Animals
The British Character, Love of Dumb Animals
Human skulls of different racial types: eleven figures also including the skull of an ape, and a graph demonstrating …
Human skulls of different racial types: eleven figures also including the skull of an ape, and a graph demonstrating …
The British Workman: Painter
The British Workman: Painter
Types of Old Swordsmanship II, the Sword and Dagger Duel
Types of Old Swordsmanship II, the Sword and Dagger Duel
Vegetable Grower's Guide: Potatoes
Vegetable Grower's Guide: Potatoes