‘Tunnelling’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Railway Through the Khyber
Railway Through the Khyber
Tunnelling shield
Tunnelling shield
The Great Escape: Tunnelling under a wooden horse
The Great Escape: Tunnelling under a wooden horse
Brunel got his inspiration for his tunnelling shiefd from watching a shipworm boring into an oak plank
Brunel got his inspiration for his tunnelling shiefd from watching a shipworm boring into an oak plank
Beaumont Compressed-Air Locomotive, used in the Channel Tunnel Works
Beaumont Compressed-Air Locomotive, used in the Channel Tunnel Works
Completion of the Mersey Tunnel at Liverpool
Completion of the Mersey Tunnel at Liverpool
The Mersey Railway Tunnel, Plan and Section, and Works in Progress
The Mersey Railway Tunnel, Plan and Section, and Works in Progress
Cross Section showing the Tunnel under the River
Cross Section showing the Tunnel under the River