‘Survival’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Survival: Lost in the Jungle
Survival: Lost in the Jungle
Stone Age man and prehistoric animals fleeing a wildfire
Stone Age man and prehistoric animals fleeing a wildfire
A Prairie Fire
A Prairie Fire
Sinking of the Titanic, 1912
Sinking of the Titanic, 1912
Hans Schiltberger was a slave for over thirty years
Hans Schiltberger was a slave for over thirty years
The pilot Chedotel finds the surviving members of the French colony on the Ile de Sable, Canada, c1600
The pilot Chedotel finds the surviving members of the French colony on the Ile de Sable, Canada, c1600
Survivors of a shipwreck on a raft being attacked by sharks
Survivors of a shipwreck on a raft being attacked by sharks