‘Surveying Party’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Surveying Party At The Bunyip-gipps Land IE Gippsland Railway
Surveying Party At The Bunyip-gipps Land IE Gippsland Railway
Surveying Party at Agua Frio, in Sierra Madre, New Mexico (The Water Shed of the Continent,) 970 miles west of …
Surveying Party at Agua Frio, in Sierra Madre, New Mexico (The Water Shed of the Continent,) 970 miles west of …
English Railway Surveying Party in Central America cutting a Road from Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic
English Railway Surveying Party in Central America cutting a Road from Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic
Surveying on the New Guinea Coast, a Nocturne
Surveying on the New Guinea Coast, a Nocturne
An Encounter With An Ostrich
An Encounter With An Ostrich
A Surveying Party in Terra del Fuego
A Surveying Party in Terra del Fuego
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