‘Suez Maritime Canal’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Workmen loading Dromedaries
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Workmen loading Dromedaries
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal near Kantara
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal near Kantara
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Labourers removing Earth
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Labourers removing Earth
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Breakwater at Port Said, and Mediterranean Entrance to the Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Breakwater at Port Said, and Mediterranean Entrance to the Canal
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Lake Timsah
The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal, Lake Timsah