‘Straight Line’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Shortest Distance between Two Points is a Straight Line
The Shortest Distance between Two Points is a Straight Line
Palmistry: The Scientific Hand
Palmistry: The Scientific Hand
Batiste handkerchief with slender round straight line and flower branch in the corners and trimmed with an edge of …
Batiste handkerchief with slender round straight line and flower branch in the corners and trimmed with an edge of …
Make polygons on a straight line with gunners at the bottom
Make polygons on a straight line with gunners at the bottom
National Fitness Exercises: Number 35 (for women), Lower Limbs and Back
National Fitness Exercises: Number 35 (for women), Lower Limbs and Back
From London in a Straight Line, The Political Puff Politician, A Dialogue between Pluto and Proserpine
From London in a Straight Line, The Political Puff Politician, A Dialogue between Pluto and Proserpine
Distribution of a straight line with a view of a city at the bottom
Distribution of a straight line with a view of a city at the bottom