‘Station’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Out for the Day
Out for the Day
London types, the racing man
London types, the racing man
Train crash at the Gare Montparnasse, Paris
Train crash at the Gare Montparnasse, Paris
Southern Pacific, Sixteenth Street Station, Oakland, California
Southern Pacific, Sixteenth Street Station, Oakland, California
La Salle Street Station; Chicago, Illinois, USA
La Salle Street Station; Chicago, Illinois, USA
Workmen removing the statue of Eros from London's Piccadilly Circus prior to the reconstruction of Piccadilly …
Workmen removing the statue of Eros from London's Piccadilly Circus prior to the reconstruction of Piccadilly …
Londoners sheltering from a German air raid in an Underground station during the Blitz, World War 2, 1940
Londoners sheltering from a German air raid in an Underground station during the Blitz, World War 2, 1940
Postcard depicting the railway station in Worcester
Postcard depicting the railway station in Worcester