‘St Peter's Basilica’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The building above the Acqua Paola fountain on Monte Aureo, Rome, with the Casino Farnese and the dome of St Peter's …
The building above the Acqua Paola fountain on Monte Aureo, Rome, with the Casino Farnese and the dome of St Peter's …
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Pope Pius X in the gardens of the Vatican, Rome
Pope Pius X in the gardens of the Vatican, Rome
Pope Julius II with Michelangelo, 16th Century
Pope Julius II with Michelangelo, 16th Century
Interior of St Peter's Basilica
Interior of St Peter's Basilica
Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, Rome, 800
Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, Rome, 800
Christian Rome
Christian Rome
The Paris-Rome-Turin air race
The Paris-Rome-Turin air race