‘Shells’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip
Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip
18 and 80: Youth and Age in a British Shell-filling factory, World War I
18 and 80: Youth and Age in a British Shell-filling factory, World War I
Fish Market by the Sea
Fish Market by the Sea
Dopo la riconquista di Tobruk, di Bardia e di altre posizioni al confine cirenaico …
Dopo la riconquista di Tobruk, di Bardia e di altre posizioni al confine cirenaico …
Our Arsenal at Woolwich
Our Arsenal at Woolwich
A present for the Kaiser, World War I
A present for the Kaiser, World War I
The Siege of Ladysmith
The Siege of Ladysmith
War's Alarm, Kaffir Boys watching for the Enemy's Shells in Mafeking
War's Alarm, Kaffir Boys watching for the Enemy's Shells in Mafeking