‘Saint-Denis’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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La Porte et le Boulevard Saint-Denis, The Saint-Denis Gate and the Boulevard
La Porte et le Boulevard Saint-Denis, The Saint-Denis Gate and the Boulevard
Fac-simile des pierres placees en 1376 a Sainte-Catherine du Val des Escoliers, conservees depuis …
Fac-simile des pierres placees en 1376 a Sainte-Catherine du Val des Escoliers, conservees depuis …
SAINT-DENIS – Cathedral – tomb of Dagobert I
SAINT-DENIS – Cathedral – tomb of Dagobert I
PARIS − Basilica of Saint-Denis − façade
PARIS − Basilica of Saint-Denis − façade
Riding in the city of St Denis
Riding in the city of St Denis
Medical team posing in the courtyard with a nun, Saint-Lazare prison, remand center for women, 107 rue du …
Medical team posing in the courtyard with a nun, Saint-Lazare prison, remand center for women, 107 rue du …
Corridor with a nun and inmates carrying bundles behind a gate in front of the death row, Saint-Lazare prison, remand …
Corridor with a nun and inmates carrying bundles behind a gate in front of the death row, Saint-Lazare prison, remand …
Tthe marchandes de quatre saisons on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, Paris
Tthe marchandes de quatre saisons on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, Paris