‘Robert Barnes’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Punch and Judy at the Seaside
Punch and Judy at the Seaside
Toeing the Line, a Scene at one of the London Board Schools
Toeing the Line, a Scene at one of the London Board Schools
The Great Strike of Dock Labourers at the East End: The finance committee issuing relief tickets …
The Great Strike of Dock Labourers at the East End: The finance committee issuing relief tickets …
Innocence and Crime, a Scene in the Garden of the Convict Prison at Portland
Innocence and Crime, a Scene in the Garden of the Convict Prison at Portland
The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
His First Visit to the Barber's, "Hard or Medium, Sir?"
His First Visit to the Barber's, "Hard or Medium, Sir?"
Water Bicycles on the Lake in the Central Park, New York
Water Bicycles on the Lake in the Central Park, New York
Physical Recreation for London Children, a Scene in Drury Lane Garden
Physical Recreation for London Children, a Scene in Drury Lane Garden