‘Ravenna’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Palace and mausoleum of Theodoric at Ravenna, Italy, 5th and 6th Centuries
Palace and mausoleum of Theodoric at Ravenna, Italy, 5th and 6th Centuries
Gaston de Foix dying at the battle of Ravenna in 1512
Gaston de Foix dying at the battle of Ravenna in 1512
Venus on a Seashell
Venus on a Seashell
Spinario (Boy Pulling a Thorn from his Foot)
Spinario (Boy Pulling a Thorn from his Foot)
Guiseppe Garibaldi's triumphant arrival in Naples
Guiseppe Garibaldi's triumphant arrival in Naples
Death of Odoacer, killed by Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths
Death of Odoacer, killed by Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths
Dante Allighieri presentasi al senato siccome ambasciatore di Guido Novello di Polenta Signore di Ravenna, 1312
Dante Allighieri presentasi al senato siccome ambasciatore di Guido Novello di Polenta Signore di Ravenna, 1312
In the pine woods of Ravenna, Garibaldi places his dying wife Anita under the trees
In the pine woods of Ravenna, Garibaldi places his dying wife Anita under the trees