‘Prophet’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The houris of the Prophet
The houris of the Prophet
The crossing of the Red Sea
The crossing of the Red Sea
Abraham is ordered by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, scene from the Bible
Abraham is ordered by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, scene from the Bible
Tomb of the Prophet Jonah, and the River Khauser
Tomb of the Prophet Jonah, and the River Khauser
Moses striking the rock to bring forth water
Moses striking the rock to bring forth water
Samuel going to Eli after hearing a voice calling his name
Samuel going to Eli after hearing a voice calling his name
Moses delivering the Ten Commandments to his people
Moses delivering the Ten Commandments to his people
King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant as he brings it to Jerusalem
King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant as he brings it to Jerusalem