‘Prince of Wales’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Prince of Wales and Mrs Simpson at a London cabaret show
The Prince of Wales and Mrs Simpson at a London cabaret show
The Prince and Princess of Wales's Colonial Gifts at the Imperial Institute
The Prince and Princess of Wales's Colonial Gifts at the Imperial Institute
Inside Royal Homes
Inside Royal Homes
The Opening of the Glasgow International Exhibition by HRH the Prince of Wales
The Opening of the Glasgow International Exhibition by HRH the Prince of Wales
Royal Group taken at Palais Edinburgh, Coburg
Royal Group taken at Palais Edinburgh, Coburg
A Meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute at Prince's Hall, Sir F Napier Broome, KCMG reading …
A Meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute at Prince's Hall, Sir F Napier Broome, KCMG reading …
Prince Albert Victor and Prince George
Prince Albert Victor and Prince George
Battersea Polytechnic Institute
Battersea Polytechnic Institute