‘Prague’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Portrait of Maria Timmers
Portrait of Maria Timmers
The blind Oedipus being led by his daughter Antigone
The blind Oedipus being led by his daughter Antigone
Winged Female Genius Crowning a Putto with a Laurel Wreath
Winged Female Genius Crowning a Putto with a Laurel Wreath
Glass by W Hoffman, Prague
Glass by W Hoffman, Prague
Aeneas Sylvius, Pope Pius II; John Ziska, Hussite Leader; George Podiebrad, King of Bohemia
Aeneas Sylvius, Pope Pius II; John Ziska, Hussite Leader; George Podiebrad, King of Bohemia
The Pulverthurm, Prague
The Pulverthurm, Prague
The War, Prague, the Chief City of Bohemia
The War, Prague, the Chief City of Bohemia
Murder committed by an Austrian princess
Murder committed by an Austrian princess