‘Potomac’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Early recrossing the Potomac, July 1864
Early recrossing the Potomac, July 1864
Army of the Potomac—Sleeping on Their Arms
Army of the Potomac—Sleeping on Their Arms
Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac, Brandy Station, Virginia
Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac, Brandy Station, Virginia
Camp Life, Army of the Potomac. Warrior's Rest.
Camp Life, Army of the Potomac. Warrior's Rest.
Potomac Round Point, Washington DC, Plan Sketch
Potomac Round Point, Washington DC, Plan Sketch
Residence and Tomb of Washington, Mount Vernon, on the Potomac
Residence and Tomb of Washington, Mount Vernon, on the Potomac
Carte-de-visite of a young woman and two children
Carte-de-visite of a young woman and two children
Guard Mount, Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac
Guard Mount, Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac