‘Pierre Emonts’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Arènes de Lutèce, excavations 1870, overview, 5th arrondissement, Paris
Arènes de Lutèce, excavations 1870, overview, 5th arrondissement, Paris
Former Justice of the Peace of Vaugirard, 15th arrondissement, November 1895
Former Justice of the Peace of Vaugirard, 15th arrondissement, November 1895
The arenas of Lutèce (panorama), 5th arrondissement, Paris
The arenas of Lutèce (panorama), 5th arrondissement, Paris
Nursing room, Saint-Lazare prison, 10th arrondissement, Paris
Nursing room, Saint-Lazare prison, 10th arrondissement, Paris
Turret of Philippe-le-Bel
Turret of Philippe-le-Bel
Saint-Lazare prison, interior view of the chapel, 10th arrondissement, Paris
Saint-Lazare prison, interior view of the chapel, 10th arrondissement, Paris
Rue Pierre-au-Lard, 4th arrondissement, Paris. October 1898.
Rue Pierre-au-Lard, 4th arrondissement, Paris. October 1898.
Arena field (rue Monge)
Arena field (rue Monge)