‘Petrograd’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Salle a manger secrete; chateau de Tsarskoie-Selo
Salle a manger secrete; chateau de Tsarskoie-Selo
Imperial Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg
Imperial Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg
Il crollo del ponte Egiziano sul fiume Fontanka a Pietroburgo, mentre passava la cavalleria
Il crollo del ponte Egiziano sul fiume Fontanka a Pietroburgo, mentre passava la cavalleria
Panoramic View of St Petersburg, from a Watch-Tower
Panoramic View of St Petersburg, from a Watch-Tower
The Marriage at St Petersburg, Schamyl and his Son at the Ball at the Imperial Palace
The Marriage at St Petersburg, Schamyl and his Son at the Ball at the Imperial Palace
The Palace Quay of the Neva
The Palace Quay of the Neva
Cossacks of the Guard and Imperial Bodyguard
Cossacks of the Guard and Imperial Bodyguard