An impartial collection of the great affairs of state, from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in the year MDCXXXIX
An impartial collection of the great affairs of state, from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in the year MDCXXXIX
Decapla in Psalmos, sive, Commentarius ex decem linguis mss. Et impressis: Heb. Arab. Syr. Chald. Rabbin. Graec. Rom.
A most certaine and true relation of a strange monster or serpent found in the left ventricle of the heart of Iohn …
Bovvels opened, or, A discovery of the neere and deere love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church, and …
The returning backslider, or, A commentarie upon the whole XIIII. Chapter of the prophecy of the prophet Hosea.