‘Luther's’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Peter the Great's Signature in Luther's Room, Wittenberg
Peter the Great's Signature in Luther's Room, Wittenberg
Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of Wittenberg Church, Germany, 1517
Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of Wittenberg Church, Germany, 1517
Martin Luther's home at Wittemberg
Martin Luther's home at Wittemberg
Martin Luther's study in the Wartburg, Eisenach, Germany
Martin Luther's study in the Wartburg, Eisenach, Germany
Job Covered With Boils, from Martin Luther's Bible: The Book of Job
Job Covered With Boils, from Martin Luther's Bible: The Book of Job
Luther's Memorial, Worms
Luther's Memorial, Worms
Life of Martin Luther and heroes of the reformation!
Life of Martin Luther and heroes of the reformation!
Electress Elisabeth takes communion according to the Protestant rite
Electress Elisabeth takes communion according to the Protestant rite