‘Latin’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Arms of University of Glasgow, Via Veritas Vita
Arms of University of Glasgow, Via Veritas Vita
Mutius Scoevola before Lars Porsenna
Mutius Scoevola before Lars Porsenna
The flight from Troy
The flight from Troy
The Twelve Months of the Year, January-February (Los doce meses del año, enero-febrero)
The Twelve Months of the Year, January-February (Los doce meses del año, enero-febrero)
Arms of University of Dublin
Arms of University of Dublin
Hernando Cortes arriving in Mexico in 1519
Hernando Cortes arriving in Mexico in 1519
Numa Pompilius & the Nymph Egeria
Numa Pompilius & the Nymph Egeria
Tu quoque, mi fili! (you too, my son!)
Tu quoque, mi fili! (you too, my son!)