‘King William II’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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William Rufus
William Rufus
The Death of William Rufus
The Death of William Rufus
The four Norman kings of England; King William I, King William II, King Henry I, King Stephen
The four Norman kings of England; King William I, King William II, King Henry I, King Stephen
Monument erected to king william ii, at the hague, by the dutch people
Monument erected to king william ii, at the hague, by the dutch people
Death of King William II while hunting in the New Forest, Hampshire, 1100
Death of King William II while hunting in the New Forest, Hampshire, 1100
Follaro of King William II from Messana
Follaro of King William II from Messana
Follaro of King William II from Messana
Follaro of King William II from Messana
Portraits of King William II, the Duke of Wellington, Marshal Von Blücher and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Portraits of King William II, the Duke of Wellington, Marshal Von Blücher and Napoleon Bonaparte.