‘King Alfred’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Alfred in the neatherd's cottage
Alfred in the neatherd's cottage
Alfred the Great learning to read
Alfred the Great learning to read
The Mortuary Chest in the Cathedral containing the Bones of King Alfred's Father
The Mortuary Chest in the Cathedral containing the Bones of King Alfred's Father
Alfred learning to read
Alfred learning to read
Who was the Saxon king who organised a fleet to meet the threat of Viking raiders on British shores?
Who was the Saxon king who organised a fleet to meet the threat of Viking raiders on British shores?
King Alfred's Mother
King Alfred's Mother
With a small band of loyal followers, King Alfred retreated into the marshes
With a small band of loyal followers, King Alfred retreated into the marshes
Alfred disguised as a minstrel in the camp of King Guthrum
Alfred disguised as a minstrel in the camp of King Guthrum