‘Jammu and Kashmir’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Markandeya Viewing Krishna in the Cosmic Ocean
Markandeya Viewing Krishna in the Cosmic Ocean
An Amorous Couple, Probably Raja Mahendra Pal of Basohli  with a Favorite Queen
An Amorous Couple, Probably Raja Mahendra Pal of Basohli with a Favorite Queen
Monkeys Jump from Crag to Crag, Folio from the 'Shangri' Ramayana (Adventures of Rama)
Monkeys Jump from Crag to Crag, Folio from the 'Shangri' Ramayana (Adventures of Rama)
Dinar of Yasavarmana
Dinar of Yasavarmana
The Buraq Worshipped by Two Princes (recto); Calligraphy (verso)
The Buraq Worshipped by Two Princes (recto); Calligraphy (verso)
Valmiki Reciting the Ramayana to His Pupil Bharadvaja, Folio from the "Shangri" Ramayana (Adventures of Rama)
Valmiki Reciting the Ramayana to His Pupil Bharadvaja, Folio from the "Shangri" Ramayana (Adventures of Rama)
The Hindu God Vishnu
The Hindu God Vishnu