‘Italian’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Italian Gardens: Florence from the Villa Palmieri
Italian Gardens: Florence from the Villa Palmieri
Dante Discoursing with his Preceptor, Inferno, Canto 15
Dante Discoursing with his Preceptor, Inferno, Canto 15
The Annunciation
The Annunciation
King Francis I at the battle of Pavia
King Francis I at the battle of Pavia
Roger de Flor, Italian soldier and condottiere
Roger de Flor, Italian soldier and condottiere
Italian Gardens: Wistaria, Villa Cavagnaro
Italian Gardens: Wistaria, Villa Cavagnaro
Death of Francesco Ferruci after the battle of Gavinana, 3 August 1530
Death of Francesco Ferruci after the battle of Gavinana, 3 August 1530
Portrait of an Old Man
Portrait of an Old Man