‘Hindustan’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Sikandra, near Agra, Uttar Pradesh: mausoleum of the Emperor Akbar
Sikandra, near Agra, Uttar Pradesh: mausoleum of the Emperor Akbar
A fakir
A fakir
Babur, on the Way to Hindustan, Camping at Jam
Babur, on the Way to Hindustan, Camping at Jam
A prince with his escort
A prince with his escort
Akbar, King of Hindustan, hunting
Akbar, King of Hindustan, hunting
Babur Marches from Kabul to Hindustan in 1507 (recto); Text (verso); Folio from a Baburnama (Memoirs of Babur)
Babur Marches from Kabul to Hindustan in 1507 (recto); Text (verso); Folio from a Baburnama (Memoirs of Babur)