‘Healthful’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Warner's Safe Yeast – be guided by this beacon light, your healthful course will e'er be right
Warner's Safe Yeast – be guided by this beacon light, your healthful course will e'er be right
Overcrowding, and Other Sanitary Derangements, in 1862
Overcrowding, and Other Sanitary Derangements, in 1862
Prof Hosford's Self Raising Bread Preparation. The healthful and nutritious baking powder.
Prof Hosford's Self Raising Bread Preparation. The healthful and nutritious baking powder.
Healthful. Palatable. A superior article for puddings & jellies.
Healthful. Palatable. A superior article for puddings & jellies.
Page from Montgomery Ward catalogue, Fall and Winter 1927-28
Page from Montgomery Ward catalogue, Fall and Winter 1927-28
Our mama recommends Mennen's Borated Talcum Toilet Powder, the only healthful and sanitary powder endorsed by physicians
Our mama recommends Mennen's Borated Talcum Toilet Powder, the only healthful and sanitary powder endorsed by physicians
Fragrant & healthful – Trix Perfume the breath
Fragrant & healthful – Trix Perfume the breath