‘Giovanni Battista Fontana’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Romulus, Fighting the Sabines, Asks Jupiter for Help
Romulus, Fighting the Sabines, Asks Jupiter for Help
The Servants of Aeneas Battling the Servants of the Latin King
The Servants of Aeneas Battling the Servants of the Latin King
Romulus and Hersilia
Romulus and Hersilia
The vision of Ezekiel, with the dead rising and putting on their flesh, God the Father above in the sky
The vision of Ezekiel, with the dead rising and putting on their flesh, God the Father above in the sky
The Angel Appearing to Joseph
The Angel Appearing to Joseph
Saint John the Baptist Preaching
Saint John the Baptist Preaching
Peter walks on the water
Peter walks on the water
The final judgment
The final judgment