‘German East Africa’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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German East Africa
German East Africa
German flags
German flags
Bees, angered by the action, swarmed out of their hives and stung evey soldier in sight
Bees, angered by the action, swarmed out of their hives and stung evey soldier in sight
Destruction of a German expedition in Africa
Destruction of a German expedition in Africa
Outposts of the Empire: A Doctor on the Run
Outposts of the Empire: A Doctor on the Run
Company of askaris, African colonial soldiers, German East Africa
Company of askaris, African colonial soldiers, German East Africa
Postcard depicting soliders and prisoners in Kettengefangene
Postcard depicting soliders and prisoners in Kettengefangene
Askari, First World War colonial soldier from German East Africa
Askari, First World War colonial soldier from German East Africa