‘George Catlin’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Buffalo Hunt, Chase, pl. 5 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Buffalo Hunt, Chase, pl. 5 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
The White Cloud, Head Chief of the Iowas
The White Cloud, Head Chief of the Iowas
North American Indians, pl. 1 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
North American Indians, pl. 1 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Buffalo Hunt, Chase, pl. 7 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Buffalo Hunt, Chase, pl. 7 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wi-Jun-Jon, An Assinneboin Chief, pl. 25 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wi-Jun-Jon, An Assinneboin Chief, pl. 25 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wi-Jun-Jon, An Assinneboin Chief, pl. 25 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wi-Jun-Jon, An Assinneboin Chief, pl. 25 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wild Horses At Play, pl. 3 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wild Horses At Play, pl. 3 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
White Wolves Attacking a Buffalo Bull
White Wolves Attacking a Buffalo Bull