‘Gandhara’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Lid with Combat between a Man and a Lion
Lid with Combat between a Man and a Lion
Winged Atlas
Winged Atlas
Pendant with Shri
Pendant with Shri
The Aristocratic Women, Illustration of the tale of 'The Necklace of Thread', From the Maha-Ummagga Jataka (Story of …)
The Aristocratic Women, Illustration of the tale of 'The Necklace of Thread', From the Maha-Ummagga Jataka (Story of …)
Ritual Tray with a Nereid (Sea Nymph) and a Cherub Riding the Sea Monster Keto
Ritual Tray with a Nereid (Sea Nymph) and a Cherub Riding the Sea Monster Keto
Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree
Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree
Head of Shiva
Head of Shiva
Oval Cosmetic Box Lid with a Man Being Entertained by a Lyrist
Oval Cosmetic Box Lid with a Man Being Entertained by a Lyrist