‘Francesco Xanto Avelli’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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"Pilgrim Flask" with Mercury and Psyche
"Pilgrim Flask" with Mercury and Psyche
Plate with Hypermnestra Watching Lynceus Take Her Father's Crown
Plate with Hypermnestra Watching Lynceus Take Her Father's Crown
Plate with Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid
Plate with Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid
Footed Plate with the Death of Virginia
Footed Plate with the Death of Virginia
Plate with Scene from Ariosto’s 'Orlando Furioso'
Plate with Scene from Ariosto’s 'Orlando Furioso'
Plate from the Pucci Service: 'Hero and Leander'
Plate from the Pucci Service: 'Hero and Leander'
Plate (tagliere)
Plate (tagliere)
Shallow bowl on low foot with the Conversion of Saul
Shallow bowl on low foot with the Conversion of Saul