‘Firing Position’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Bavarian artillery of the German Army moving away from a firing position, early 20th Century
Bavarian artillery of the German Army moving away from a firing position, early 20th Century
Battery of French 75 mm guns in firing position, World War I, 1914–1915
Battery of French 75 mm guns in firing position, World War I, 1914–1915
Taking the Firing Position with the Musket
Taking the Firing Position with the Musket
Army Athletic Sports at Aldershot
Army Athletic Sports at Aldershot
Taking the Firing Position with the Musket, plate eight from The Military Exercises
Taking the Firing Position with the Musket, plate eight from The Military Exercises
Taking the Firing Position with the Musket
Taking the Firing Position with the Musket
The Eighty-One Ton Gun
The Eighty-One Ton Gun
Some Varieties of the Nordenfelt Gun as now used in the Army and Navy
Some Varieties of the Nordenfelt Gun as now used in the Army and Navy