‘Fame’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Drawbacks of celebrity: a cricketer pestered by autograph hunters
Drawbacks of celebrity: a cricketer pestered by autograph hunters
Stationers almanack for the year 1780
Stationers almanack for the year 1780
Allegory of Death and Fame (or The Skeletons)
Allegory of Death and Fame (or The Skeletons)
Prunier Restaurant
Prunier Restaurant
Troy Triptych – Study of Oblivion conquering Fame
Troy Triptych – Study of Oblivion conquering Fame
The man who won imperishable fame
The man who won imperishable fame
Galileo watching the stars
Galileo watching the stars
The "Saint" with a Sack of Apple Seeds – Johnny Appleseed
The "Saint" with a Sack of Apple Seeds – Johnny Appleseed