‘Dorando Pietri’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Italian long distance runner Dorando Pietri at the finishing line of the marathon at the 1908 Olympic Games in London
Italian long distance runner Dorando Pietri at the finishing line of the marathon at the 1908 Olympic Games in London
Il corridore italiano Dorando Pietri giunge primo nella corsa di Maratona ma e squalificato perche …
Il corridore italiano Dorando Pietri giunge primo nella corsa di Maratona ma e squalificato perche …
Suffering from dehydration and exhaustion
Suffering from dehydration and exhaustion
Italian long-distance runner Dorando Pietri holding the cup presented to him by Queen Alexandra for finishing first in …
Italian long-distance runner Dorando Pietri holding the cup presented to him by Queen Alexandra for finishing first in …
Dorando Pietri, a gallant marathon runner from the 1908 London Olympics
Dorando Pietri, a gallant marathon runner from the 1908 London Olympics
Dorando Pietri, a gallant marathon runner from the 1908 London Olympics
Dorando Pietri, a gallant marathon runner from the 1908 London Olympics
Heroes of the Olympics: The Man Who Went the Wrong Way
Heroes of the Olympics: The Man Who Went the Wrong Way
From Then Till Now: The Marathon
From Then Till Now: The Marathon
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