‘Denain’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Bataille de Denain, sous Louis XIV
Bataille de Denain, sous Louis XIV
Building at the intersection of rue Lafayette and boulevard de Denain (n°4 and 6), 10th arrondissement, Paris
Building at the intersection of rue Lafayette and boulevard de Denain (n°4 and 6), 10th arrondissement, Paris
Conquest of the sconces at Denain, medal struck in honor of Louis Alexander, Count of Toulouse
Conquest of the sconces at Denain, medal struck in honor of Louis Alexander, Count of Toulouse
Battle of Denain, 1712
Battle of Denain, 1712
Portrait of Denain (actress)
Portrait of Denain (actress)
Marshal Villars winning the Battle of Denain
Marshal Villars winning the Battle of Denain
Postcard depicting the Gare du Nord from the Boulevard Denain
Postcard depicting the Gare du Nord from the Boulevard Denain