‘Christopher Clark’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Display by the 18th Hussars at the International Horse Show at Olympia, London, 1914
Display by the 18th Hussars at the International Horse Show at Olympia, London, 1914
The Drum-Major
The Drum-Major
Julius Caesar arriving in Britain, looking out across the face of Kent
Julius Caesar arriving in Britain, looking out across the face of Kent
Oliver Cromwell calling on God’s support before battle
Oliver Cromwell calling on God’s support before battle
Balaclava, October 25th, 1854: The Charge of the Light Brigade
Balaclava, October 25th, 1854: The Charge of the Light Brigade
"Well, Good-bye, Nurse!"
"Well, Good-bye, Nurse!"
Mexican revolutionaries carrying a wounded man from the field, 1914
Mexican revolutionaries carrying a wounded man from the field, 1914
The Fight at Lexington
The Fight at Lexington