‘Champion’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Wiltshire Champion Coursing Meeting
The Wiltshire Champion Coursing Meeting
Mike Hawthorn, 1968
Mike Hawthorn, 1968
Coronation of George IV in Westminster Hall, the Champion's Challenge, from a contemporary engraving in the …
Coronation of George IV in Westminster Hall, the Champion's Challenge, from a contemporary engraving in the …
Mr Roger Eykyn
Mr Roger Eykyn
Muhammad Ali regaining his crown in the fight against George Foreman in 1974
Muhammad Ali regaining his crown in the fight against George Foreman in 1974
Sir Launcelot of the Lake
Sir Launcelot of the Lake
Patrick was among several youths that he carried away as prisoners
Patrick was among several youths that he carried away as prisoners
The Flat-Coated Retriever Champion High Legh Blarney
The Flat-Coated Retriever Champion High Legh Blarney