‘Cabool’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Cabool. – Atkinson's Sketches in Afghanistan
Cabool. – Atkinson's Sketches in Afghanistan
Syud Meer Khan, Shiah Mahomedan of Cabool, Syud, Meerut
Syud Meer Khan, Shiah Mahomedan of Cabool, Syud, Meerut
The Bala Hissar, Cabool
The Bala Hissar, Cabool
Yoosoofzye. – Elphinstone's Kingdom of Cabool
Yoosoofzye. – Elphinstone's Kingdom of Cabool
Interior of Shah Shujah's Palace, Cabool
Interior of Shah Shujah's Palace, Cabool
Portrait of Meer Khan from Meerut
Portrait of Meer Khan from Meerut
Eminent Hindoos, from Portraits by Native Artists
Eminent Hindoos, from Portraits by Native Artists