‘Austrian Troops’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Frederick the Great  after defeat at the Battle of Hochkirch in 1758
Frederick the Great after defeat at the Battle of Hochkirch in 1758
Entry of the Austrian Troops into Bosnia, crossing the River Save, at Brod
Entry of the Austrian Troops into Bosnia, crossing the River Save, at Brod
Parade of the Austrian troops before King Jan Sobieski
Parade of the Austrian troops before King Jan Sobieski
The Armies of the Continent
The Armies of the Continent
Austrian Troops practising on Snow-Shoes in the Alps
Austrian Troops practising on Snow-Shoes in the Alps
Victory of the Dumouriez infantry over the Austrian troops led by the Duke of Saxe-Teschen, at Jemmapes (Belgium), …
Victory of the Dumouriez infantry over the Austrian troops led by the Duke of Saxe-Teschen, at Jemmapes (Belgium), …
Deliverance of Mainz, besieged by the French, by the Austrian troops of General Clairfait, 29 October 1795
Deliverance of Mainz, besieged by the French, by the Austrian troops of General Clairfait, 29 October 1795
Victory of the infantry of Dumouriez over the Austrian troops led by the Duke of Saxe-Teschen, at Jemmapes (Belgium), …
Victory of the infantry of Dumouriez over the Austrian troops led by the Duke of Saxe-Teschen, at Jemmapes (Belgium), …