‘Appearing’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene
Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene
Méphistophélès apparaissant à Faust (Mephistopheles Appearing to Faust), from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust
Méphistophélès apparaissant à Faust (Mephistopheles Appearing to Faust), from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust
The Witch of Endor summoning the spirit of Samuel
The Witch of Endor summoning the spirit of Samuel
The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds
The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds
The dream of Scipio
The dream of Scipio
Macbeth, I, 3, the three witches appearing on the heath [graphic] / F Gilbert
Macbeth, I, 3, the three witches appearing on the heath [graphic] / F Gilbert
A young woman's face appearing in the bubbles blown from a clay pipe
A young woman's face appearing in the bubbles blown from a clay pipe
Jesus showing himself to Peter and others by the Sea of Galilee
Jesus showing himself to Peter and others by the Sea of Galilee