‘Amateurs’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Les Amateurs de tableaux, from Grimaces
Les Amateurs de tableaux, from Grimaces
Brunelleschi illustration for Contes et Nouvelles de La Fontaine
Brunelleschi illustration for Contes et Nouvelles de La Fontaine
Blowing up the Pic Nic's – or – Harlequin Quixote attacking the puppets
Blowing up the Pic Nic's – or – Harlequin Quixote attacking the puppets
Flore des Jardiniers, Amateurs et Manufacturiers: Polyanthus or Cluster Narcissus
Flore des Jardiniers, Amateurs et Manufacturiers: Polyanthus or Cluster Narcissus
Flore des Jardiniers, Amateurs et Manufacturiers: Maurandia semperflorens
Flore des Jardiniers, Amateurs et Manufacturiers: Maurandia semperflorens
Blowing up the Pic Nic's – or – Harlequin Quixote attacking the puppets
Blowing up the Pic Nic's – or – Harlequin Quixote attacking the puppets
The Pastoral Play "Fair Rosamund," performed by Amateurs in Cannizaro Wood, Wimbledon
The Pastoral Play "Fair Rosamund," performed by Amateurs in Cannizaro Wood, Wimbledon
Café du Bosquet, rue S (t) Honoré. 17. To lovers of the fair sex.
Café du Bosquet, rue S (t) Honoré. 17. To lovers of the fair sex.