‘Ali Pasha’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Battle of Lepanto
The Battle of Lepanto
The Count of Monte Cristo and Haidee
The Count of Monte Cristo and Haidee
Banquet given by the Egyptian Government at Cairo in Honour of Mr Stanley's Arrival
Banquet given by the Egyptian Government at Cairo in Honour of Mr Stanley's Arrival
Plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Berlin
Plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Berlin
Janina, Albania (subsequently Greece): the seraglio and tomb of Ali Pasha
Janina, Albania (subsequently Greece): the seraglio and tomb of Ali Pasha
The Berlin Congress, Reception of Plenipotentiaries at the British Embassy
The Berlin Congress, Reception of Plenipotentiaries at the British Embassy
Ali Pasha
Ali Pasha
Pavilion of the Kiliç Ali Pasha Complex in Tophane, Istanbul
Pavilion of the Kiliç Ali Pasha Complex in Tophane, Istanbul