‘Agrippa’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Agrippa and plebeians
Agrippa and plebeians
The Pantheon of Agrippa
The Pantheon of Agrippa
Athens. The Monument of Agrippa and the Pinacotheca.
Athens. The Monument of Agrippa and the Pinacotheca.
St Paul before Agrippa, Acts, XXVI, 1–29
St Paul before Agrippa, Acts, XXVI, 1–29
Trattato di scientia d'arme. Di M Camillo Agrippa Trattato di scienza d'arme: et vn dialogo in detta materia.
Trattato di scientia d'arme. Di M Camillo Agrippa Trattato di scienza d'arme: et vn dialogo in detta materia.
Rome, Pantheon d'Agrippa
Rome, Pantheon d'Agrippa
The Pantheon of Agrippa
The Pantheon of Agrippa
The Master Musician: Handel
The Master Musician: Handel