‘Actualites’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Tenant aussi a consulter sa petite table … from Actualites
Tenant aussi a consulter sa petite table … from Actualites
Actualités: Ah! M'ame Chopin! ….
Actualités: Ah! M'ame Chopin! ….
Figurez-vous mon cher qu'ici, a trois heures de Paris, from Actualites, in Charivari
Figurez-vous mon cher qu'ici, a trois heures de Paris, from Actualites, in Charivari
News. 220. Reading of newspapers giving scary news.
News. 220. Reading of newspapers giving scary news.
Illusions magazine. News at 8 AM 1. 2. Concert-Vermouth from 5 to 7 am. 16a. Fontaine Street.
Illusions magazine. News at 8 AM 1. 2. Concert-Vermouth from 5 to 7 am. 16a. Fontaine Street.
"Ah! General Winter, what a pity you can't get involved in Poland right away! Hum! I was involved."
"Ah! General Winter, what a pity you can't get involved in Poland right away! Hum! I was involved."
„In Poland – A charge that begins to age” – Karykatura polityczna z serii „News”, nr 200
„In Poland – A charge that begins to age” – Karykatura polityczna z serii „News”, nr 200
"It was not enough to have one on my arms, here I am with two now!" Z: News, 288
"It was not enough to have one on my arms, here I am with two now!" Z: News, 288